Built for Enterprise
Enterprise Integration

Didimo platform integration is designed for enterprise use and easy integration.
We know enterprise software needs to mitigate over-reliance on external services, so we have built our platform in a way that puts you in control. We focus on delivering enterprise value in the following 4 areas:
- Secure Data
- Long Term Support (LTS)
- Dedicated Infrastructure / Redundancy
- Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Secure Data
Personal Data Storage
As we offer a B2B2C service, we don't store any of your customers' data.
Didimo File Storage
Didimo does not provide a long-term hosting solution for your users' didimos. We host didimos long enough to ensure our customers have enough time to transfer them to their infrastructure.
Server-to-Server Communication
Generation and download requests are designed to occur between Didimo's servers and our customers' servers, with security built-in:
- Secure your Didimo API key on the server, as distributing this in a compiled app can be exploited.
- Utilise our Webhook feature to get notified when your didimos are ready for download, ensuring control of didimos.
- Download didimos to your server and store them in line with your company privacy policies. Didimos are subject to our retention period which ensures you are the owner of your customers' data.
- Enables Post Processing to be done on the Didimo Package.
Whilst our Unity SDK provides the functionality to talk directly to the Didimo API, this is designed for testing purposes only and should not be used in production.
All interactions with the Didimo platform can be built in the software language of your choice (see our API Docs and Postman Collection ).
Long Term Support
In order for you to ensure that you are building on stable, unchanging and reliable services that will be around for the duration of your product's lifecycle, we offer a Long Term Release model to provide you with the confidence that you will receive a consistent and repeatable level of service.
You can review our Didimo Release Versions to find out more about what options are available.
Dedicated Infrastructure / Redundancy
Enterprise customers benefit from having their own AWS infrastructure to process and handle their didimo generation requests. This allows for enhanced security and reliability.
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
We will work with you to create a Service Level Agreements (SLA) that ensures you get peace of mind.
Updated over 3 years ago